My new article is now available in Infinity Astrological Magazine
It seems abundantly clear that the original treatment points precipitated a healing crisis, due to a sudden opening of the ajna chakra, and the normal vision was temporarily repressed in favor of a heightened intuitive awareness. It is a truism of metaphysical thought that authentic vision and insight is not a function of the physical eyes, which present us with a distorted view of reality due to their binocular perception of the world, and their linkage with the physical brain, which is, as a consequence, mired in duality. According to certain occult traditions,
“All living species – including different races of human – were once less physical, more ethereal, than at present, and possessed but a single eye – the cyclopean eye: the sole organ of physical sight in animals and spiritual sight in humans … As these early races gradually evolved, their cyclopean eyes became more open, attained more wisdom, and followed the path of light.”