I've been quite astonished by the amount of writing I've done in recent weeks; 5 full length articles, as well as a number of pages for our new book. I've also done a bit of composing; last year, at this time, I composed about 6 new art songs. So, what's going on, astrologically?? Pluto is continuing to transit my Moon; I suppose that could account for some of it; Solar Arc Venus is conjunct Jupiter; Solar Arc Uranus is sextile Uranus; that could account for a lot of astrological writing; Progressed Sun has reached Spica; Robson associates it with the Empress of the Tarot, which is a very fecund and creative archetype; Transiting Mercury is in the 1st, but that won't last long; Progressed Venus is on the midpoint of Mercury and Jupiter; Ebertin says: "a wealth of (creative: Venus) ideas", "the desire to revel in something or be enraptured" Progressed ASC has moved into Gemini; ah ha!!
Anyway, it's certainly given me food for thought ... I'm hoping that maybe someone will want to publish some of these articles!!