Well, I've been doing a bit of writing in recent weeks, and have finished two lengthy articles, the first on Sergei Rachmaninoff, his melancholic temperament, and the profound depression that afflicted him after the failure of his Symphony #1. This is by far the longest case study that I've authored to date, and it was very interesting to write. The second new piece, which I just finished, focuses on the recently deceased Harlan Ellison (I started the article back in April, when he was still with us), and two events that occurred around his second Saturn Return, an earthquake and a heart attack. He links the two in his book, Slippage, and this was what started my astrological neurons firing. I think that this one has turned out very well, too ... although I doubt that HE would have had much use for it!! Harlan had just made it to his Uranus Return ...